Does Vaping Taste The Same As Smoking Tobacco?
Does vaping taste the same as smoking tobacco?
There are an infinite number of flavours available so you can replicate a tobacco flavour if you want. Quality vape gear can easily replicate smoking from the throat hit, flavour and head rush from the nicotine. If your device does not do this then – you may have the wrong strength nicotine or the device is no good or the liquid is no good.
Do e-cigarettes and e-liquids produce a smell?
Some do, some don’t – some have a pleasant smell that resembles the taste of the e-liquid. Some have no smell at all.
How often can I vape? Can I use vaping products as often as I would if I was smoking?
As often as you like – there are no rules. Generally your body will tell you when its had enough nicotine as you will naturally stop craving it.
Does the battery in the device make the e-cig too hot to hold?
We only sell regulated batteries and mods from trusted manufactures. Whilst these devices may get warm with constant usage they should never get hot or feel hot. If you find your device is too hot to touch then we recommend disposing of it safely and immediately and contact the vendor you purchased it from.
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